A Supportive Community in Christ
A Supportive Community in Christ.
Together, we enjoy the love and fellowship of a supportive community, washed by the water of baptism, fed by the Lord’s Supper, and taught and guided by God’s Word. Our intimate atmosphere, our diverse community, and our worldwide connections bring us face-to-face with the gospel each and every day.
Each week we gather for worship. Our worship styles vary depending on our God-given talents; however, you will hear and see ancient and modern, solemn and exuberant, traditional and contemporary worship experiences - all connecting people to Jesus and to each other.
Martin Luther Church is blessed with ministry partners who work together to bring the Word o fGod to people on a broader scale and in a variety of ways.
With faith life in mind, fellowship among each other is a blessing that cannot be replaced. We extend our warmest greetings to those who worship with us. If you are a first-time visitor, we pray that your visit will be blessed.
We would love to get to know you!
Whatever your age or background, wherever you are in life’s journey, we invite you to be a part of our Christian community. Experience the joy of knowing and serving in Jesus!
Worship with us on Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 9am.
A Community Serving in Christ
The services focus on readings from the Bible. Music and singing are an important part of our services, too. Loud or soft, in unison or rich harmony, all our praises are music to God. Each week we follow the worship folder. The readings from the Bible for the week and prayers are printed for you. Our songs for worship are projected on a screen, printed in a worship folder, or in the hymnal and are easy to locate.
Every church has its own style of worship. Here’s what a typical worship service looks like at Martin Luther:
The Invocation
We call on the name of our Savior God as we praise him.
Admitting Sin and Receiving Forgiveness
We acknowledge that we have not been or done what God asks us. Then we are assured of his forgiveness in Jesus.
Bible Readings
We read selections from God’s Word through the Old Testament prophets, Jesus’ apostles, and from Jesus himself in the Gospels. The pastor gives a brief explanation of each reading.
Our pastor offers encouragement and instruction in a Bible-based sermon. Expect God’s grace and guidance for dealing with problems as well as the promise of eternal life in heaven through Jesus.
Response to the Word
We respond with offerings and prayers for the things he has promised to us and for strength to do what he has asked.
Parting Blessing
We hear another assurance of God’s care.
Mixed throughout these different parts of our worship are hymns and short songs of praise to God. Our worship uses traditional forms along with modern language and application. They both give us the best from God’s Church throughout the ages, and the Gospel message of the grace we received in our Savior. We hope you enjoy both.
A Community Learning in Christ
Sometimes people wonder how they are expected to dress at a church they’ve never visited. As the Bible presents no dress code, aside from simple decency and Christian humility, Martin Luther Church doesn’t make any rules either.
Like most people, our members try to make their worship time at church a special time. This is often reflected int he way they dress. But dress is a personal matter of worship before God. One may dress casually and rejoice that we have a God who accepts us as we are. Another may dress to reflect the awe and reverence we have for our Savior King.
On any Sunday at our church, you may see running shoes and high heels, jeans and suits, open collars and ties, and even work uniforms. When a person dresses out of love for God, the choice of dress - casual or more formal - is acceptable to God and us.
Where to Find US
436 S Lake Street
Neenah, WI 54956
Worship Times
Saturdays at 5:30pm
Sundays at 9am
(920) 725-1330